Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Frankly my dear.....

My love of blogs and all things "bloggy" has led me to meet several cool people via Internet.  One of them had this very funny (and apropo) picture on her blog today!   I laughed out loud when I saw it, but because I am married to a man who has lived in all places, I have to be careful when saying something like that.  I do not mean to offend!

It leads me to think about being Southern and Southern phrases, traditions and foods.  Grits, for instance.  I cannot even imagine not liking them....but how about not even tasting them?  The fact that some folks have never met a "grit" in their lives might just take me to the sad place.  And who was the first to utter the phrase "Bless her/his/their heart{s}?"  Was it meant tongue in cheek, as we say it so often today?  As for me, it just trips off my tongue for many different instances.  And I use it as much in reference to myself as anyone else!  

Bless my heart....and bless yours too!  

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